Friday, July 5, 2019

Captains Log 2019-07-05

Captain's Log 2019-07-05

Well, it's technically the 5th but it's the middle of the night.

Drifters have come to our space and reinforced our structures. We think we've found a way to deal with them. If you have a station - man the station and fire away. We let off bombs and that seemed to do damage.  One of my guys was online doing this and when I logged on I warped to the other citadel and then they logged off as soon as I docked and took control of the station.

We have timers and will respond to those.

In other news, we fought NSH the other night. It was the maiden voyage of our cerb fleet. I'm very pleased with how things went. Next fleet op will hopefully run better. I'm not sure why people don't have trust in Sanders or I when it comes to fleet ops. I hope in time they will learn that we know what we are doing. We need to elevate our gameplay. People need to be in the fleet and in the ships we ask for - fit how we have them posted - when we ask. They will learn in time.

*sings* there you go looking pitiful ... listening to P!nk while I type this up!

Anyway, I am pleased with how the cerbs showed up on the grid. We didn't kill NSH but they didn't kill us either. So we now have a fleet comp we can take with them. We have to make some minor tweaks when we are small gang (like 6 people or less) vs a gang sized fleet. The only other tweak was people didn't have the right ammo in - HUH? Ok so I will have to make sure that is up to date on the fleet comps.

Until next time ... fly dangerous!