Friday, July 5, 2019

Captains Log 2019-07-05

Captain's Log 2019-07-05

Well, it's technically the 5th but it's the middle of the night.

Drifters have come to our space and reinforced our structures. We think we've found a way to deal with them. If you have a station - man the station and fire away. We let off bombs and that seemed to do damage.  One of my guys was online doing this and when I logged on I warped to the other citadel and then they logged off as soon as I docked and took control of the station.

We have timers and will respond to those.

In other news, we fought NSH the other night. It was the maiden voyage of our cerb fleet. I'm very pleased with how things went. Next fleet op will hopefully run better. I'm not sure why people don't have trust in Sanders or I when it comes to fleet ops. I hope in time they will learn that we know what we are doing. We need to elevate our gameplay. People need to be in the fleet and in the ships we ask for - fit how we have them posted - when we ask. They will learn in time.

*sings* there you go looking pitiful ... listening to P!nk while I type this up!

Anyway, I am pleased with how the cerbs showed up on the grid. We didn't kill NSH but they didn't kill us either. So we now have a fleet comp we can take with them. We have to make some minor tweaks when we are small gang (like 6 people or less) vs a gang sized fleet. The only other tweak was people didn't have the right ammo in - HUH? Ok so I will have to make sure that is up to date on the fleet comps.

Until next time ... fly dangerous!

Monday, July 1, 2019

Captain's Log - New RL Adventures & Eve

Captain's Log July 1, 2019

Today is the first of the month. The sov war in Querious continues to battle on. NSH continues to bring ships we just can't fight. So, my guys aren't logging in.  Tactic? Yes, at the same time we also won't field anything above a cormorant right now because of the ships they bring.  If we bring cruisers they are in marauders - WTF?  So, it looks like they are only here to try to bait out big ships like capitals or get the goons to fight them.

I had checked at 11:00 am when I got off work and then checked again at 1:00 pm - no pings, no one was on hmm ok. I was in the other room watching a movie - The Matrix. I watched all 3 of them. LOL, apparently there was a ping at 1:42 pm for in 7 hours SMA would need help. 

Well, last night they got what they wanted. Goons came to the fight along with NC & PH.

Battle Report:

We had one of our guys in on the fight LOL. 

The Matrix marathon I had was good too. LOL I needed some movies and TV to relax.

So I put new RL Adventure & Eve as the subject ... so what is my new real life adventures?

I'm starting my own business doing consulting work writing - content management, social media management, web site content, etc. Also, we do offer excel spreadsheets, access database management, etc. I had been working at Amazon in the Registry department.  I gave my notice yesterday and my last day is July 3.  Lucky for me I'm off July 1-3.  So, technically I worked my last day yesterday. This week is homework and getting my websites up and running. Next week I will announce it on social media what I'm doing.

I'm excited & nervous. This is what I'm getting my degree in. I have a year left of school. They say it will take about a year to a year and a half to have a fully functioning company.

So I'm doing it!

Eve wise doesn't change - I'm still here, playing, etc.  I am hoping that we can get back to QFC fighting soon.  Fighting outsiders, while fun, is exhausting. 

So fly dangerous - take a chance - if you don't you won't know if you can fly!

Thursday, June 20, 2019

NSH Sov Push on Us!

TLDR: We had timers that started at 20:30 on June 19 and went until 09:30 on June 20th. 12 Timers. 11 things saved successfully. We lost our ihub in VT-G2P valued at $2,340,550,088.93 (Today’s prices) and some ships. We may have new pvp targets.

Battle Report

For those who want all the details ...

Captains Log: June 20, 2019
Yesterday was a long day and I was prepared for it, or was I? I got up at about ten in the morning and had coffee and breakfast. I logged in and took care of a few things – who am I kidding I did my PI, well most of it anyway.  Then I started making bookmarks for the corp in V-LEKM on the K7D gate. Let’s just say that when my guys say I’m anal about bookmarks on gates, there are a lot of them.  I make so many because you just never know where they will be and if I use one of my guys from the corp they can look at the bookmark and say “warp to x bookmark at 10 and you’ll be on them” and we will have them. Our allies put up small and large bubbles.  Not the kind that disappears in a few minutes – you know the annoying anchorable kind.  I sat off that gate cloaked.  I’m not going to fly that toon into sub cap battles any longer because everyone knows her and knows she’s me.  I have an alt and started using it. I know it won’t be long until people realize who it is but hey, I have got to try.  I realized I had no gum, so I quickly finished getting dressed and ran to the store to get gum.  I bought 3 packs. I swear I chew gum the way most people smoke. I also got a bag of popcorn – Smart Foos’s White Cheddar – that’s so yummy!

I got back home and instantly checked TS – no one new on. Checked discord – nothing pressing. I went to the kitchen and got my water and came back to my desk. Fed the cat.  He laid down to sleep - thank goodness! Sat down and continued making bookmarks – I’m telling you I have a lot of these ok. I talked with my allies pvp guy and he said he had bubbles and could bubble the gate for me - perfect.  He got into the system and told me. I got to the gate and decloaked at the right range, or so I thought. He said he wasn’t in range and I said well if you can move out from the gate but be at those points that would great. He put up three small bubbles and one large. Got me to thinking – I think we need to start doing classes on things. Bubbles – placements and ships etc – made a mental note to get on that. Anywho I digress, so I moved around the gate and told him where I wanted the bubbles to be put and he bookmarked the site and went at it for me.

The bubbles were up, and the first two hostiles came into the system.  I laughed because I was like HA jerk faces – you aren’t the only ones who use bubbles! Ok so maybe I didn’t say jerk faces and used more colorful language, but you get the idea. They burned out and then went on their way. Oh, wait here come three more pilots, then two more, etc. It was so much fun watching them burn out.  The original plan didn’t come to mind for that scenario.  It’s been put on the back burner for now – if you know what I was planning great – if you don’t, stay tuned more to come I’m sure!

The first timer went off and we were able to secure it - easy. They had some guys and we were warping around.  I should have moved the fleet to K7D to gate camp, but they had a fleet of about 4-6 people in our systems and it seemed more important to keep the fleet together. We would move from system to system.  Finally, I decided to engage.

Battle Report

We lost more ships but isk wise we were 50-50 – so for us it’s a win. The sabre was the first thing to go down because we didn’t want to be in their bubbles! The Phantasm was the second target and we took him into armor. Although one guy said that we got him into shields.  We went back to the station and reshipped.

Our home base is 60M-TG out of the Goon Fort there. Why? Well let’s see, us a tiny little group of 200+ pilots who can field 10-20 vs a 30,000+ alliance who will wipe the board with them if they attack their structure.  Hmm hard choice, right? LOL All of our contracted-out ships were not on contract any longer. I had traded a bunch from one toon to another and put them up for the alliance. Those sold out.  We need to have a person who will do this for us because I was doing several jobs at once and that is NEVER effective.

We got reshipped and went back out again. We found them and warped away. There were a couple of pilots who were upset but sometimes warping on grid then getting off grid is better for us. We were flying cormorants and needed to be at our tactical. The biggest problem with that is skills trained on each pilot. Most pilots won’t have it trained to level 5 which would have been sweat if we did have that. We would have done cormorants and kitsunes then.  Based on level 4 skills it was griffins and cormorants.  I know sucks doesn’t it when you have the fleet comp you want to do and willing pilots – just have to wait for the skills to catch up.

Side note – I’m old school and won’t ask anyone to skill inject. You must be smarter than your enemy and use the skills that you have now. Not a problem!

Then the second and third timers went off.  Wait did I hear intel right – they said Golem? WTF (Ok here I did really say that sorry if you don’t like the F word.) Why on earth would you bring a marauder for entossising? WTF are these guys thinking. Who the hell would do that? Crazy rich old men or young kids killing summertime? I don’t know. This perplexed me. I knew it was because of the griffins. We had brought them to help SMA defend their space and broke up the NSH fleet with them before. Yes T1 ECM Frigates. But now we were countered.  Dang it!

I hand control of the fleet to Skyee Everson and he took over. I went to another channel with Riela to tell him what to get to bring down to put up on contract – we ran out and I had already done a market run! Riela and I sort everything out and go back to the fleet channel to hear them engage and loose.
At that point, I was at a loss of what to do. I’m the FC. I’m the alliance leader. I knew what I wanted to do and fly but I know the actual skills of these pilots is not there yet. Hell we had rigs in the cargo holds of the cormorants that weren’t put on the ships. *WHAT?* Yep that’s how new we are. Ok – not a problem I will take the blame, I am the leader, and I didn’t educate my guys on that. Something to fix for next fleet op.

At this point, this is what our battle report looks like Battle Report

Now, most folks were ready to fight – and for that, I applaud each and every one of you! Cookies, cocktails or whatever you enjoy to you!

We were outnumbered and out shipped. We went to channel commander and Skyee and I talked. Doipen later joined us. Basically, we all agreed we are outnumbered and out shipped. We had another fleet we wanted to fleet into but didn’t have the DPS ships. We had logi but not dps. Yeah, I know most people go “wait what?” yep we are good with logi pilots – just gotta get those dpser’s in! We talked for a bit and decided to stay docked.

By then the enemy fleet we call NSH but known as “can’t these mother fuckers give us a week?”, NullSechnaya Sholupen is their real name were on our discord. Pinging away. WTF? What are you guys 5? So, I go to discord and hop into a voice channel and they all joined making noise.  Oh, ok so you are actually 5, ok noted. I banned them from discord. Why? Because all they were doing was screaming and making noise. There was nothing coherent. Their troll game is weak at best. They are now downgraded to 3-year olds.  We are fighting a war with 3-year olds who want the toy we have but as soon as they get it will throw it out. Yeah ok, so you picked the wrong alliance to do this with.

This is why they call me a bitch, I guess. I banned you from discord because you acted like children and were moronic. So next came Team Speak. Interesting because I know I haven’t given it to them. So, that’s interesting. I started kicking everyone.

Now, mind you in game I have 5 conversations going on with these guys who in game are talking like actual human beings. You get them on discord, and they are like idiots who found a gun – no you can’t point that at me thank you bye bye.  The only guy who is listed on their alliance as the diplo and I know he’s an FC was Wallypants. Yeah he’s not capable of conversation on any level and I knew at the end of the conversation that we were going to lose something – just not what until the guy said “For this you will lose the VT-G2P ihub”. I lol’d and looked at the timer board – it went from 60% to 35% in that moment. I gulped and went Ok I am playing with children that’s fine – I know how to play with people like this.

Well one of them typed in local “drag me please”. So, I kicked all of his people from TS and drug him to our fleet of a whopping 7 people. I said hello. Nothing. I said How can I help you. Nothing. I just want to point out I waited about a minute in between.  I finally on the third time go “Look, you are on my TS, you asked to be dragged, if you want to talk – talk – otherwise I’m going to ban you”. I hear “wait I’m trying to get my push to talk set up”.  Ok.

Now some of you may go “oh yeah I understand I don’t have it set up either” I call bullshit.
Now before you guys go “oh he’s a brand-new char Athena don’t be so mean” I’m going to call bullshit on that one too.


While on paper he only started the game on January 13 and instantly found a player corp and joined it and now 6 months later is flying a Loki and capitals like he’s an old pro at the game – he’s an alt. Of who, I’m not sure just yet, but he’s an alt. He, I’m sure, was trying to get our ts to stream to their ts or to record us – that’s what he was “setting up”.  While I know others maybe don’t think like this / like me – this is what I’m thinking.

He fed us a lot of rhetoric and at one point I called bullshit on him. I told him that you don’t say you are being honest if you are honest. He laughed and changed the subject. Now before any of you go OMG you are a traitor to the QFC why would you talk with him OMG – stop. If you have learned nothing else from me know this – I’m tactically sound and think of things constantly.  While we were talking with him, we learned he plays League of Legends (yawn – as does 80% of Eve Online btw), He would feed us bs stuff etc. My guys were very cautious about him and kept asking me about him and I finally said, “who wants to ninja entosis with me?” and my guys went “ok I will how do I do this?”. I said, “don’t talk about it on coms and let’s get our stuff back”. They were working on the 9-HM04 ihub at that moment and I saw that they were going to capture it.  I wasn’t going to lose another ihub.  We had lost VT-G2P at the low low cost of $2.35 Bil. One of my guys suddenly went “why are you guys using marauders to entosis? It’s really annoying.” He goes “because you guys came in griffins.”

That’s what I needed to hear. Logic.

Now we could actually talk about the game and maybe make some headway with him!
I told him that the QFC is designed to fight but it’s also here for smaller groups like us to build up our pvp forces. That means that newer pilots with only 7 million skill points can come to learn about null sec, fighting etc. He went “wait you have pilots with only 7 million sp?”.  That’s when my guy keyed up and goes “yes that’s all I have, and I am training skills now but that’s all I have is 7 million”. He went “oh we didn’t’ know that give me a minute.”  He came back and we talked about how I have pilots with over 100 mil skill points and pilots with 7 million skill points. We told him that Fatal Order has the same lack of experience. That neither of us lack the will to fight – it’s the experience. I told him that with our current pilot base the only thing we can do is dock up when they come with 18 Loki’. He lol’d. I said, “Ok like you wouldn’t do that when you are outnumbered or out shipped?” and he goes “What do you think we would do if it were Goons? The same thing you are doing with us.”

So tactically, we are sound. We did the right thing to dock up. I know that for some pilots that’s hard to hear. I don’t want to destroy their fighter spirit – because that’s the last thing I want to do!
Then I hear him say “Ok so if we brought you a fight with Assault Frigates would you fight us then?”


THIS is what I was hoping for. I’m not asking them to go away – I asked them to bring us a fight that we may win or lose but a fight we can actually fight in.  We talked some more, and I said Destroyers T1/T2 or Frigates of any type we would fight gladly.  We made a gentlemen’s agreement of a week. Only time will tell if these guys are decent or just trolls.

We talked for a little while longer and then he said thank you for the conversation and went on his way. We learned some things about them as well as about us.

We finished entossising what was left to do for our 12 timers. We lost 1 out of 12 and hopefully, have new people we can actually pvp with. May not be a win in your book – but my guys and the members of the QFC are winners in my book!